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The SHIFTTM Device​​


Finally, a proven tool to raise the magnetic field of the human body.  When increasing its magnetic field, the body is able to protect itself from the lower electromagnetic frequencies that exist in the world today! â€‹


Dr. Kate Keville has developed The SHIFTTM Device to answer the needs of today's challenging EMF exposure which has become a plague and proven to contribute to many of the continued health issues we are facing globally today.​


EMF exposure has become hugely IMPORTANT because of the radiation impact of cell phones on our human bodies when exposed to the radio frequency region of the cell phone electromagnetic spectrum. ​EMF exposure has been proven to cause symptoms of: Insomnia, Headaches, Depression, Fatigue, Itchy Skin, Brain Fog, Lack of Concentration, Memory Changes and Dizziness.​​​ Our cells are meant to communicate with one another through electrical impulses which are necessary for the body to function efficiently


With more Cell Phones than people on the planet topping over 654 BILLION, 2 Billion plus Computers, 5 Million and counting Cell Towers, Millions of Personal and Business Wi-Fi's, and 1.9 Billion 5G connections as of 2023; we have reached exposures humanity, and this globe have never experienced before. The contributing frequencies of 2G, 3G & 4G (0.7-2.7GHz) and 5G (80GHz) are causing the electromagnetic fields of the human body to deteriorate and marginally reduce in size.  Mitigating where we can, we are constantly invaded by so much EMF we can no longer simply use tools of the past to increase our individual electromagnetic fields.


Our bodies rely on our electromagnetic field to keep clear communications within it.  When our electromagnetic field is compromised, these communications begin to fail and normal functions begin to break down as seen with 'auto immune disorders', only prevalent in the past 70 years.  There is a connection.  Recent information detailing the 'charged' water found within the human body can be found in Gerald Pollock's book, The Forth Phase of Water.


Over exposure to EMF's is further compounded by the contamination of our food, water and air now containing massive amounts of micro plastics, over 79,000 chemicals and most known pathogens, 


With this significantly increased load on our bodies, Dr. Keville has developed 'a bigger boat' utilizing Nicola Tesla's contribution to science and a greatly needed stronger field of influence. This device is different than the PEMF pulsed devices that can become harmful over long-term use.  The SHIFTTM Device is a continuous and constant output at 35 to 40 mili-tesla units.  This influences the electromagnetic field of your body in minutes upon use.


Finally, a tool proven with hard SCIENCE showing results of dancing red blood cells through a Dark Field Microscope in over 250 individuals.  These Red Blood Cells are responding to a stronger Electromagnetic field immediately after using The SHIFTTM Device. The Red Blood Cells begin functioning without clumping as seen in these images.  An added effect has shown bone marrow producing stronger RBC and the WBC begin to protect and defend in a normal way.​



SAVE $25 When Ordering

Use CODE:   HEALTHYU   at Checkout​​​​


Learn more here:


The Shift Device can be used to support the Electromagnetic fields of pets, plants and food.  Water appears to become more alkaline. â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹



Legal Disclaimer: The ShiftTM Device is not designed to treat or cure any disease or health condition, or to create any specific change in your health. Any statements in customer reviews are related to that person only, and results from the use of our products will vary from person to person. For studies demonstrating results from using our products, including a double-blind study from a third party research institution, please click here. For information on our return policy, please click here.



Electromagnetic wave over the etheric body
Red blood cells before The Shift device treatment
Red blood cells after The Shift device treatment
The SHIFT Device
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